I’m studying and exploring AWS (Amazon Web Service). I found AWS services too much to memorize. So, I created a list AWS Simpler. Breifly, I define all AWS services and products within groups with very simple words.
My main source for these definitions is ACloudGuru course.
And I want to share it with the internet!
- General
- Region: geographic place for AWS Services
- Availability zone: simply a data centre
- Edge location: CDN endpoint (for Content Delivery Network)
- Network
- VPC: Virtual Private Cloud. Private data centre which is isolated set of resources
- DirectConnect: a service to install on premises to connect you directly to your data centre
- Route53: Amazon DNS (Why 53? because it is DNS port)
- Compute
- EC2: Simply a virtual server
- ECS: EC2 Container Service - for docker containers
- Elastic beanstalk: web app hosting
- Lambda: provisioning code without running a server. Most powerful service, pay for running computing time
- Storage
- S3: object-based storage. Not block-based storage. Pay for the storage that you use.
- Cloud Front: CDN endpoint to cache your files in edge locations
- Glacier: archiving low cost storage and backups. Around 4 hours to access files
- EFS: Elastic File System as NAS in the cloud. Block level storage
- Snowball: Import/export. Send your own hard disk and import data into cloud. Enterprise level. It looks like a suitcase. Pay on daily basis
- Storage Gateway: integration between on premiss and cloud. Virtual machine that run on your premises and replicate your data into the cloud
- Database
- RDS: cloud db service, including Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Aurora, Maria db
- Dynamo DB: NoSQL Amazon service
- Elastic cache: caching your db service,
- Redshift: Amazon db warehouse. Great performance
- DMS: Database Migration Service. migrating db into AWS and convert from Oracle to MySQL
- Analytics
- EMR: Elastic Map Reduce, processing big data
- Data pipeline: move data from service to into another service
- Elastic Search: Open source search analytics service. Monitor data
- Kinesis: Streaming data
- Machine Learning: simply a machine learning service
- Quick Sight: new service. BI service. Fast, power, cloud based ad-hoc analysis
- Security and Identity
- IAM: control your users, groups, password, MFA
- Directory Services: it has different types and think of it as Microsoft Active Directory
- Amazon Inspector: install agent on VM and inspect security
- WAF: Web Application Firewall
- Cloud HSM: Hardware security Module
- KMS: Key Management Service
- Management Tools
- Cloud Watch: Monitor application and resources
- Cloud Formation: best thing in AWS. JSON and UI based
- Cloud Trail: provide Audit access on AWS
- OpsWorks: configure application using Chef
- AWS Config: fully resource inventory for governance
- Service Catalogue:
- Trusted Advisor: automated scan for your service and how to save money. Two tiers (free and enterprise)
- Application Service
- API gateway: for developers to create and publish API
- AppStream: stream your windows screen. For tablets, windows. AS XenApp
- CloudSearch: Managed service to set up search solution for your website. Highlighting and search
- Elastic Transcoder: High scalable to convert media formats from mobile etc
- SES: Simple Email Service, Send and receive emails
- SQS: Simple Queue Service. First service introduced by AWS
- SWF: Simple WorkFlow, used by Amazon when buying something
- Developer Tools
- CodeCommit: source control. As Github
- CodeDeploy: Automate code deploy
- CodePipeLine: continuous delivery service
- Mobile Service
- Mobile Hub: Monitor and test your mobile app usage
- Cognito: Save your mobile data, app preference as settings
- Device Farm: enable testing mobile app in AWS
- Mobile Analytics.
- SNS: Simple Notification Service
- **Enterprise Applications
- Workplaces: virtual desktop in the cloud
- WorkDocs: safe place to safe your files. As DropBox, OneDrive
- WorkMail: AWS exchange
- IoT
- Internet of Things: IoT platform for IoT devices