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Mohamed Zaatar Blog

A Readify developer/consultant. Passionate about Software development, IT and cars. This blog for my technical and personal views.

Blogging with Github and Jekyll!

As discussed mentioned earlier, I will go through my environment and how to start your first blog using Jekyll and hosting it as a repository in Github.

Side note: about my environment, I’m using OS X El Capitan 10.11.5.

How to set up the blog:

  1. Create a repository on Github account as
  2. Use Git client tool, I use command line (SourceTree if you want a graphical tool or the command line for more control on git repos)
  3. Install the following
  4. Create a branch in this folder now to track your changes and you can name it anything like initBlog or something else.
  5. Install Jekyll but make sure that you initialize Jekyll in the right folder. For simplicity, I use $Username/Developer/NameOfWebSiteOrRepo
  6. Test it by run the command: jekyll serve --watch --incremental. Note that watch option to take care of updating the website according to your changes and incremental option as well.
  7. Open the browser on and watch your local deployment of your website.
  8. Make the required changes in the _config.yaml for the base url and the website name.
  9. Push these changes into Github and open your blog from

You can add any theme you want as I’m using UNO.