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Mohamed Zaatar Blog

A Readify developer/consultant. Passionate about Software development, IT and cars. This blog for my technical and personal views.

  1. My journey to AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate

    Last week, I passed AWS - Certified Solution Architect - Associate (Feb 2018 version)and following after my announcement on LinkedIn, I received numerous requests for sharing my experience with AWS learning path leading to the certification and how I successfully managed to pass it from the first time. …

  2. Why Powershell Build?

    Hello, recently I was working to manage building complex and different types of .Net/Azure Cloud Service/Azure Web Apps/Windows Services projects to be hosted by Azure and on premises servers. The release management solutions were different as well, some of projects are managed by Octupus Delopy and other were managed by Visual Studio Release Management. …

  3. SQL Alias

    I recently had a problem to create a SQL Server alias and tried many things to solve it. Here is my complete solution if you want to enable SQL Server: …

  4. How to work with Git without remote server

    Hello developers, …

  5. AWS simpler

    I’m studying and exploring AWS (Amazon Web Service). I found AWS services too much to memorize. So, I created a list AWS Simpler. Breifly, I define all AWS services and products within groups with very simple words. …

  6. Blogging with Github and Jekyll!

    As discussed mentioned earlier, I will go through my environment and how to start your first blog using Jekyll and hosting it as a repository in Github. …

  7. Welcome to My blog!

    Hello World! …